Logo from BIG Festival 2019

I'm a writer, technology entrepreneur and award-winning game producer. I concentrate on social change and philanthropic projects I use my 'techspertise' to produce content I am passionate about, focusing on impact messaging in entertainment and gaming. I'm an investor and mentors young entrepreneurs. Our current project is Shadow's Edge, a digital game that helps young people take charge of their emotional health when facing serious health challenges. Shadow’s Edge excites me because we are using what is relevant and exciting to young people to support them in a way that they have never seen before, revolutionizing how self-help content is delivered to teens that are dealing with serious health challenges through gaming and entertainment.

My sessions

17:00 - 18:00

Women in Games


SP - Auditorium 1
Room Capacity: 180

Yes they can! The Women in Games panel will bring together women on all fronts of the gaming industry: development, production, direction and sales. Vivy Zhao, Chang You Gamespa...


19:00 - 20:00

Graffiti and Guardians - Is gaming the new pill?


SP - Auditorium 1
Room Capacity: 180

Can a mobile game improve a players’ emotional health? 2 out of 5 young people struggle with chronic illnesses, disabilities or depression. Medically they’re being treated more ...

Creative EconomySerious Games

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