Henrique Muradas (Sunland Entertainment Studios)

Leo Batelli (Bad Minions)

Leonardo Minozzo ('Cafundo Creative Studio')
Luis Gustavo Marte de Arrud... (Mad Mimic)

Luiz Eduardo Adler (Smash Mountain Studio)

Marcelo Marcati (Venturion)

Paulo Lafeta (Flipstar)

Pedro Kayatt (VRMonkey)

Rafael Brandão Ferrari (Skullfish Studios)

Rafael Costa (Monomyto)

Rogerio Favero (Playlearn)

Victor Augusto Barbosa (PushStart)
Are you hyped to know what the Brazilians are bringing to the table in 2020? Then don't miss this celebration of the Brazilian production that will showcase all the best titles which will amaze the audience this year. The panel will be presented in English, with simultaneous translation.