Logo from BIG Festival 2019

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Samira Almeida

(Inventeca StoryMax)

Postgraduate in Educommunication (USP) and graduated in Social Communication (UMESP), she was editor-in-chief for 12 years in the most respected Brazilian media companies. She is an academic researcher in the area of reading, educating and is a volunteer in a public school in São Paulo, mediating books inside classes - one of the inspirations that drove her creation of StoryMax. As founder and principal representative of StoryMax worldwide, she received the most relevant prizes in the area of literature, technology and business, such as the Jabuti Awards for Literature, the Unesco Lecture Chair seal, and the ComKids Prix Jeunesse Iberoamericano. In 2017 she was the only Brazilian selected to participate in a Google innovation program called BlackBox Connect, in Silicon Valley. https://www.linkedin.com/in/samiralmeida/

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