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Guilherme Pinho Meneses

(Associação Povos da Terra - APOTI)

Anthropologist, Admin e Game Designer. Education: PhD in Social Anthropology (PPGAS/FFLCH-USP) (in progress); Master in Social Anthropology and Bachelor of Social Science (FFLCH-USP); Bachelor of Business Administration (FGV-EAESP). Reseacher of the Centro de Estudos Ameríndios (CEstA), the Núcleo de Antropologia Urbana (NAU) e the Laboratório de Estudos Pós-Disciplinares (LAPOD), all at the University of São Paulo (USP). His master thesis deals with the controversies surrounding the dependence of electronic games and his doctoral thesis is focusing on the recent movement nixi pae rituals in and out of the huni kuin villages. Currently his focus has been on creating games engaged in social transformation (serious games) – Also works with the development of board and card games; He has created more than 20 games. The main one was Huni Kuin: Yube Baitana, developed with the Huni Kuin people from Rio Jordão, Acre, Brazil.

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