Beth Carmona, President of Midiativa (Brazilian Media Center for Children and Adolescents) and Director of Comkids - an information platform that also organizes festivals, seminars and workshops with training objectives. Director of Singular, Media & Content, where she acts as consultant, executive producer and manager of audiovisual and multiplatform projects, children and youth, leading nuclei and teams. Formed by ECA / USP, she works for national communication groups such as Globosat, TV Cultura, TV Escola and international actors such as Fox, Cartoon Network, Discovery, WDR and NHK. Before, he was in charge of channels such as TV Cultura SP, Discovery Kids América Latina, TVE RJ / Rádio MEC and Disney Channel Brasil, where he supervised productions and programming. Professional working in the media, education and quality concept and represents Brazil and Latin America in international events and project evaluations. He is a member of the international board of the Prix Jeunesse Foundation and the World Summit on Media Foundation for Children, institutions that work for excellence in children's content.