Fábio Cesnik
(CQS/FV Advogados)
Fábio Cesnik holds a BA in Law and Legal Sciences from the São Paulo University – USP. Vice-president of Institutional Relations in Brazil California Chamber of Commerce (BCCC). Specialist in culture, media and entertainment. For nine years in a row Ranked in Chambers and Partners as specialist lawyer in media and entertainment. Ex-chairman of IASP’s Media and Entertainment and member of OAB-SP Rights to the Arts Commission. He is the author of the books “Globalização da Cultura” and “Guia do Incentivo à Cultura” (in its third printing), published by Editora Manole. He is co-author “Projetos Culturais: Elaboração, Administração, Aspectos Legais e Busca de Patrocínio” (now on its fourth edition), published by Editora Escrituras. Lawyer licensed in Brazil and Portugal. Member of the California BAR as Foreign Legal Consultant.