Logo from BIG Festival 2021

Alan Soares Santos Silva

(Canal BySpeed)

Alan Soares, known as "BySpeed", is a competitive Mortal Kombat player since 2009. He has won more than 20 Mortal Kombat 3 Ultimate and Trilogy tournaments, and has traveled to several states in Brazil such as Amapá, Amazonas, Minas Gerais, Distrito Federal and others, looking for challenges since he started playing and competing. Now he is looking for outside players for big duels. He also competes in Speedrun, where he has achieved more than 10 world records. Mortal Kombat lover since 1992, until Mortal Kombat 11 in 2019, which tournaments he narrates officially for Warner Games Brasil. He loves other games like RPGs, strategy and other fighting games, like Street Fighter and The King Of fighter, which he keeps an eye on the news always, despite not being a competitor. In addition to Caster, Alan has more than 300 thousand followers adding to his social networks - on YouTube alone he has more than 230 thousand. An influencer and professional player who is always in search of great challenges.

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