Ale Youssef (Secretaria de Cultura do Município de SP)

Christian de Castro (Agência Nacional do Cinema - ANCINE)

Gustavo Steinberg (gamescom latam)


Mariana Gomes

Pedro Henrique Peixoto (Ministério da Cidadania - Secretaria Especial de Cultura )

Rodrigo Pedrosa (BNDES - Departamento de Economia da Cultura)

Sandro Manfredini (AQUIRIS)

Sergio Sá Leitão (SEC-SP - Secretaria da Cultura do Estado de São Paulo)
737/5000 The importance of building public policies in strengthening the Brazilian Games industry. The strategic alignment of institutional partners and private initiative as a growth vector. BIG Festival has the honor to host the discussion and foster public-private partnerships since its 1st edition in 2012. Since then, the sector has had partners of the caliber of Ancine, Apex-Brazil, BNDES, Spcine, Ministry of Citizenship, Secretary of Culture of the State of São Paulo and Municipal Secretary of Culture, to name a few of the partnerships. The results are measurable, we export, we win awards, we gain markets, we build in Brazil a development hub and a business hub, which is BIG Festival itself.