Logo from BIG Festival 2023

Here you find the program, the lecturers and companies that participate in the BIG Festival business area.
In order to pre-register (free), book seats in activities or schedule a meeting with other companies, just login (if you already have an account) or create a new account and select the appropriate credential. Know more here.

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Ricardo Pedro Mimoso Flores dos Santos


Ricardo Flores is the Senior Accelerator Manager at Nine66 in Saudi Arabia. Being in the mobile gaming industry since 2004 he also experienced the PC and Console side as an indie developer. Past experience as Studio Lead, Senior Producer, Associate Producer and Producer. Regular speaker and judge on game related events like PGConnect, FNAC New Talents, HyperConference, Devcom, etc. He is also an active member of the Portuguese Game Developers community, mentoring new projects and was a former organizer of the Game DevCamp Portugal conference and collaborates with Lisbon Games Week event organizers.

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