
Here you find the program, the lecturers and companies that participate in the BIG Festival business area.
In order to pre-register (free), book seats in activities or schedule a meeting with other companies, just login (if you already have an account) or create a new account and select the appropriate credential. Know more here.

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Caroline Mestriner

(Game Jolt)

Caroline Mestriner is the Community Manager at Game Jolt, where she plays a crucial role in supporting and fostering one of the largest communities for video games and their creators. With a passion for gaming that drives her every action, Caroline is dedicated to building a platform that enables creators to grow their communities and make a living doing what they love. Her deep appreciation for gaming, particularly the Uncharted and Last of Us franchises, makes her a valuable resource to the gaming community, and she's committed to building lasting relationships with creators and players alike. With her boundless enthusiasm and expertise, Caroline is an integral part of Game Jolt's ongoing success.

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