Logo from BIG Festival 2023
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Danilo Cesar Bezerra Freire

(Point N' Sheep)

Game producer and designer currently focusing on mobile products (with BBTV) and indie games (with Point N' Sheep). You can check some of my studies and game jams results on my itch.io portfolio: https://play-that.itch.io/ Besides the game development cycle, I am always helping to unite and strengthen my local gamedev community in Recife-Brazil with workshops, gamejams, festivals and meetups!

My sessions

10:00 - 11:45

Interviews with Best Brazilian Game Nominees


The Enemy Stage by TNT
Room Capacity: 280

13:35 - 14:40



Stage 2
Room Capacity: 170

Five studios from Latin America compete in this incredible session, pitching their games to a jury of industry experts! Whose game is the best, and more importantly, can they se...

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19:00 - 19:30

Game Shark - Kawatare e Bloodless


The Enemy Stage by TNT
Room Capacity: 280

"Great game, but no one heard about it." This story is as sad as it is old. And it's on The Enemy Stage that we're here to fix that. Game Shark is our reality show where indepen...

Streaming on The Enemy

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