Logo from BIG Festival 2023

Here you find the program, the lecturers and companies that participate in the BIG Festival business area.
In order to pre-register (free), book seats in activities or schedule a meeting with other companies, just login (if you already have an account) or create a new account and select the appropriate credential. Know more here.

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Watch here our quick guide about the business platform!

Danilo Cesar Bezerra Freire

(Point N' Sheep)

Game producer and designer currently focusing on mobile products (with BBTV) and indie games (with Point N' Sheep). You can check some of my studies and game jams results on my itch.io portfolio: https://play-that.itch.io/ Besides the game development cycle, I am always helping to unite and strengthen my local gamedev community in Recife-Brazil with workshops, gamejams, festivals and meetups!

My sessions

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