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Logo de gamescom latam 2024
Assista aqui nosso guia rápido da ferramenta de negócios!

Activision x Call of Duty Pacco da Su

Atributos do projeto

  • Game
  • Audiência (Game)
  • Hard-core (Audiência)
  • Filme

We created a video campaign showing the protagonists' mothers preparing a tactical box full of treats for their children - a COD take on the traditional "pacco da giù," a box of food and clothes that Southern families send to their emigrant children. Even the name is a word play: "up" means above, because in the game the loot and ammo boxes are delivered from the sky. We wrote and shot a teaser, a trailer, and two main commercials portraying Makarov and Captain Price's mothers, with the participation of Di Lorenzo (captain of SSC Napoli) and Giorgione (a beloved internet-famous chef) to increase engagement and earned media.

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