O Micromundo de Weslley
Project attributes
- Game
- Film
- Music
- TV
- VOD / Internet
Series + Game
Weslley, a frantic and curious boy has to face the threats of Turma do Bagaço and through a game he enters the microworld where he will meet different creatures and different ways of life in the adventure of solving real world problems with the help of viruses, bacteria and other microscopic beings, a different place where the smallest are stronger and feared, Weslley's Microworld.
On each surface a battle with microscopic beings from that region, in each episode a phase of the game in which Weslley's plot occurs in parallel with the real world of school, family and friends. In the microworld he adopts micro creatures as pets and is being accompanied by Dio, a single-celled creature with three faces who together can fight and defend themselves against microbial threats.