Project attributes
- Game
- Genre (Game)
- Action (Genre)
- Adventure (Genre)
- Arcade (Genre)
- Based On (Genre)
- Fantasy (Genre)
- Serious Games (Genre)
Agent Percy Peck was urgently recruited to resolve the possible P.E.S.T. attack. - Plague of Espionage and Sabotage Tactics (Plague of Espionage and Sabotage Tactics) rat espionage organization that threatens the continuity of P.O.W.E.R. - Pigeon Organization for World Espionage and Reconnaissance.
Agent Phoenix Plumage was targeted with important information, last communication he reported that he was in the central square near a dumpster
We had information that P.E.S.T. Agents went to the location and you urgently need to locate our agent and eliminate the enemies so that this and other information does not fall into the paws of our enemies.