@ gamescom latam 2024

Kokku is the largest Brazilian co-development company. Our teams are capable of delivering high-quality assets and products that range from Art Outsourcing and Porting/Remastering to Co-Development and Full-Cycle Game Development.
Known for its work on Horizon Forbidden West, Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War, Horizon Zero Dawn, the Sniper Ghost warrior franchise, Wonder Woman: The Themyscira Experience, Stranger Things: Starcourt Mall, Samsung Space Tycoon, among others. Our experience comes from working on a diversified list of projects and among our clients you will find companies such as Activision, Guerrilla Games, Electronic Arts, Tencent, CI Games, Treyarch, WB Games, Paradox, Roblox, etc.
- Website: https://kokku.com.br/
- Country: Brazil
- State: São Paulo