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Tiny Little Bastards: Card Mayhem

Project attributes

  • Game
  • Audience (Game)
  • Casual (Audience)
  • Genre (Game)
  • Cards (Genre)
  • Roguelite (Genre)
  • Platform (Game)
  • Android (Platform)
  • iOS (Platform)

Tiny Little Bastards: Card Mayhem is a deckbuilding roguelite that follows Skeyn, the village's librarian/archaeologist/beer lover, in her pursuits of weird adventures. Aided by her friends, Ivarr, Helga and Ubba, Skeyn will uncover secrets burried for centuries down in the sewers, pumpkin fields, mushroom forest and old market ruins. These weird adventures may range from an ancient man who went down the toilet to a multiverse conspiracy to restart the world through a cataclysm!

Adventures are told through card battles and events in which players can build strong decks and acquire equipments to improve their power! Player/character progression is mainly based on equipment upgrades and rune studying, granting more power, knowledge and potential to defeat every enemy on the way!

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