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Niñas de Ayohuma

Project attributes

  • Game
  • Audience (Game)
  • Casual (Audience)
  • Mid-core (Audience)
  • Genre (Game)
  • Action (Genre)
  • Adventure (Genre)
  • Combat (Genre)

Niñas de Ayohuma is an Action Adventure game currently in development for PC and consoles. The game tells the story of María Remedios del Valle, an indigenous descendant who played a key role in the liberation of South America, giving everything despite being overlooked for being a woman.

Featuring a unique visual style with astounding voxel graphics, Niñas de Ayohuma combines an immersive narrative with fluid gameplay to deliver a captivating experience. The game is currently at the vertical slice stage, and with the support of a publisher, the development team, incubated by The Rabbit Hole, estimates that they can complete production in 9 months.

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