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DANGEN Entertainment

@ gamescom latam 2025 (Presencial & online)

Logo de DANGEN Entertainment

DANGEN Entertainment is an indie publisher based in Osaka-Japan. We're indie not only in the sense that we publish indie games, but in that we ourselves are indie as well. We're independently owned, funded and operated. And we're a small team of specialists who do great work by combining our passion, diligence and teamwork. Our goal is to help developers do the best they can with their games whether that's in development, promotion, localization or whatever else.

Collaboration guides our philosophy on all fronts. We work with famous Japanese developers who inspire the game we publish to do more in promotion and game development, whatever that may mean to our developer partners. We host parties and events in collaboration with other developers and publishers. Our localization is done by writers who receive a share from Dangen's portion of sales. And we work closely with the streaming communities in Japan and the west alongside our own Twitch-partnered stream producer.

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